Truth takes ages to appear to us. Sometimes it comes to us in uncanny and vague forms thatcontinue to exist before our children’s eyes way after we have left. The immemorial scars andquestions that have marked our past lives and ancestors still blurry our sight today. And whenClaudia De La Hoz closes her eyes, and […]
Archives de la catégorie : Art
Made in Morocco
Berberian rugs from Artworks
In progress page… The afternoon bird, rug The afternoon bird, rug The evening bird, rug
Serie Puzzle
Between the Artwork and the art intallation On demand. Compositions On demand. Compositions On demand. Compositions On demand. Compositions On demand. Compositions On demand. Compositions On demand. Compositions On demand. Compositions On demand. Compositions On demand. Compositions On demand. Compositions On demand. Compositions On demand. Compositions On demand On demand. Compositions On demand. Compositions On […]
Serie. Species
How prehistorics representation could affect our Art Journey. Always interested by the nature and the species among animals, vegetals and humans, this series is inspired by prehistory. Birds and squares. 2024. Oil on canvas. 2 pieces Trees. 2024 Duo, abstract and flowers Frise. 2024. Wooden pieces. Blue tree. 2024 Flowers. 2024 Material, gold and black. […]
Serie « Color by submission »
Vertebres, In utéro Vertebres, In utéro, reflected Yellow composition Black composition Sweet mangroves Mangroves Bambi Red composition People White composition Vertebres, IN utero. 2023
Serie » Mystical «
Frieze/ Frise. Le pic nic. Acrylics and golden leafs on wooden board. 200 cm x 50 cm. 2024 Frise, le pic nic, Détail Frise, le pic nic, Détail Frise, le pic nic, Détail Frise, le pic nic, Détail Le Pic-Nic.2024, Acrylic on canvas Menina and cat Menina and cat. Variation numérique Menina and cat. Variation […]
Serie »Les Jardins secrets »
Magnolia Fleurs atypiques Fleurs atypiques, reflected Nature soft Bouquet sauvage, ethereal Wild tulipan Wild tulipan numérique Bouquet vert et or Hortensia Fleurs de bords de mer, dessin Lilas Paysage scandinave, hiver Paysage scandinave 2 L’arbre perdu L’arbre perdu 2 Plage rose Plage verte Dunes La route 4 arbres et un chat doré Cats La forêt […]
Next sessions : October 5 to 9, 2024. Artverse Gallery, 5 rue de Beauce, Paris Apprentissage des émotions pour vivre le moment présent. Techniques avancées au cours de 6 ateliers, utilisant la peinture pour débloquer les difficultés afin d’atteindre un état permettant de manifester une nouvelle vie ! Mon approche de l’art est entouré […]
Art Wall
Puzzles Waves Birds and squares La plage, rose A door to..Soft Red dress in the fosrest Red dress in the fosrest as a tapestry Wild paradise Stairs Fire on the sea Red composition Lilas Hidden beauty An afternoon bird Once upon a time as a tapestry Lady and tree as a tapestry Red dress in […]